From NASA control

"See if you can clear that up some, please," the supervisor almost whispered the request.

The technician went to work without an answer.

When the image seemed to clear up a bit, the Supoervisor turned to the technician with a puzzled expression. "Do you...does anyone have any idea what the hell we are looking at?"

"I can back up the rover and take a wider picture, that might help," the technician said.

"How long with that take?"

"How far back should I go?"

The supervisor shrugs his shoulders. "Lets back it up 30 meters and snap a pic. How long with that take?"

"An hour."

"Do it," the supervisor says as he sinks into an empty seat near the technician.

The supervisor forces out and exasperated breath.  He says, "this is going to take forever. See if one of the orbiting platforms can get a close up of whatever that thing is while you back up the rover for a better shot."

"Will do," the technician answered without looking away from his monitor.

A half an hour later the technician spins around in his seat. He says, "Sir, I got the orbiter to focus in on the area being photographed by the rover. The first photo will be at a very high magnification.  I can scale it back from there.

The technician's eyes ran over the monitor several times. After a few seconds, he pulled his cell phone from his shirt pocket. He did a quick search online and found an image he suspects matches the image on the monitor. He has no doubt about what he is looking at.

"What are you holding out on?" The suoervisor rose from his chair and hurried at the technician. "You know what? If you are working for someone else on our system, you will go to prison for a long, long time," he said. As he got within arm reach of the monitor, he pulled it to an angle that allows him to see it.

"Uh...I have figured out what that...that struct...that anomaly is on the Martian surface, sir," the technician answere.

"This is the picture from...let me see, 100 meters back; with a focus on the anomaly looking to the north," the supervisor is quietly muttering to himself more than the technician. His eyes rolled over the technician.

The technician waved a finger over his cell phone and held it up to where the supervisor could see it and the monitor.

"Is that the Sphinx like thing on Mars? Did we knock it over? is way too small to be that...

"No sir," the technician answered. "It is the robot."

"What robot?" The supervisor asked, then looked at the cell phone image again. "I know we are in the Cydonai region of the planet, but..." the supervisor forced out acough. "You mean from 30 years ago, the alien...

After a few seconds, the technician tapped the supervisor's shoulder.

The supervisor did not acknowledge the touch, he just kept muttering over and over, "I saw that thing destroyed...I saw the footage...I saw the residual glow for..."

The technician tapped him again. After being ignored for a  few seconds the technician broke his supervisor's trance. He said, "Sir, there is something else."

" better be good," the supervisor shot back.

"Sir, since the first images were sent some time ago to now, well there has been a change," the technician said.

"What change?"

"The robot has moved."


From miles above the surface of the Red Planet, a satellite captures the awakening of a giant. Not your typical fairtytale giant. This is the greatest of all giants in human history. Decades after crashing into the planet, the giant has egun to stir. Rising to his feet like a phoenix rising from the ashes, Giant Robot recovers and continues the mission. Shaking off the dust and debris from the meteoric impact decades ago, Robo is again alive. Taking to the air, he distrubs countless centuries of dead Martian soil. Around the robot, electromagnetic signatures swarm about the scene; in awe of something tremendous. A machine once meant for mayhem is now going back to protect humanity on Earth.

Latest comments

19.02 | 17:57

Hello. Me hablo muy poquito Espanol. Translate to English, por favor?

23.03 | 23:18

Hola soy de Argentina, y fan de Giant Robo, me gustaria saber si tengo la posibilidad de conseguir una figura de vinilo, para comprarla, ya que en mi pais no ay

07.01 | 22:09

If anybody has VHS tapes of Hot Seat I would like to buy them. I'll pay for the shipping too. Shoot me an email:

05.11 | 15:32
