Questions I have received

Answering recent emails  11-11-14


I have received several emails recently and I will try to get to all of the questions right now. Several of the emails, about 7 of them, questioned me on the use of Ireland and certain locations there in specific. All of the emails came from different addresses, though the syntax was nearly identical between all of them. I mention that because was just strange.

Ireland: there is a siginifanct histroy there with the beast of the apocalypse aka the Dragon of the Apocalypse, said to reside in Loch Bel Dracon. A  7 headed beast, set to appear on St. JOHN'S Day at the End of all things. JOHN--do you see? Johnny Sokko?!? Also, the location will provide a portion of the future stories that I am working on. I also have some ancestral histroy in that region. Here is a pic, credit to Caol Rose GIANTS MONSETRS AND DRAGONS

 Why the atomic plant in Central California?

I needed an atomic power plant for the story, which will show up again in the later portions I am writing now. I could have used the one in Southern California, at San Onofre (which is closing down). In the later stories, I cannot have an atomic power plant next to a Marine Base, it will not go over well.


Mars will play a siginifcant role in the near future for mankind. Take that to the bank!

I have received some emails, which I am grateful for, that have various questions. I will do a brief answer page here. I will put down the most frequent questions and appropriate answers.


1. Why so many new characters added to the story?

     Though the storyline was established, over 30 years have passed within my work. Times are darker and require a broadening of available characters. I wanted this to be a continuation; rather than a 're-imagining' of an already fantastic story.

2. Why did you include so many different locations?

     The tale I intend to tell is going to include the entire world.  Not that absolutley every culture can be included. Yet, multiple mythologies will contribute to the story as a whole. In looking at say the portion in Ireland and the rise of the multi-headed monster, there is a historical context for the beast and its purpose. The portion in California and Nevada, well, there are refugees every of stripe and some you cannot imagine located within the areas mentioned in the story.

3. The story seems to have some hatred or even racism. Why?

     If an alien race invades the Earth and tries to dominate or exterminate humanity, is that not a race war?  It is in the truest sense of the term.  The story itself, say in the background on Doctor Guardian,  looks at people being dominated, exploited and victimized. What Doctor Guardian shares are very personal and rational thoughts. The Doctor is starting to exhibit symptoms similar to those who have been held as POW's or dissidents. Do not get me wrong, it is not a purely psychological study, but the story delves into the emotional trainwreck of such a victim. Also, there is a balancing act, if you will, in writing something which is based on a childrens program. Yet there is a core of adult fans who enjoy the original story and expect something faithful to its original form.

More to follow in the weeks ahead


As of 1-9-13

I have had some emails clammoring for the next installment.  Yes, I am working on the next intallment and several more to follow along.  It has to be faithful to the origianl story and characters, as well as stand alone as a good story.  It took Tolkein 10 years to write THE LORD OF THE RINGS- I am in NO WAY claiming to be such a writer. Nor is this classic literature.  This is a great story that should live on and be treated with an amount of respect that matches the enthusiasm of the fans.  Life long fans that is.  How many times have we seen something fantastic in either the literary or film world and seen it beaten to death?  Let us not go down that road with Giant Robot!

Napoleon code 4

 More on the emails as of April 10, 2014

I have received some more emails about the story and where it might be headed; and some things that maybe I did not clear up too well in the last round of explanations.

About Doctor Guardian, I have had a few more communications regarding his thoughts as he recorded them in his diary.  Some of the entries are 'controversial' or 'out of sync' with todays people. 

The original story was written almost 50 years ago, and I want to continue with the original ideas. I don't want to do some artists rendition/re-imagining of the original story.  Perhaps you grew up with a certain understanding of THE LONE RANGER, the old serials as they were run on television for so many years. Did you see the new version? Probably not; I don't blame you.  Did you see the original TOTAL RECALL? Sure you did, a great action adventure sci-fi film. Did you see the remake? I thought so.  Why not pick up where things left off at? Look at the new slate of STAR WARS films; they are picking up 35 years later, with the original cast, where the original trilogy left the story.  I don't claim to be a George Lucas (love his work), nor do I claim to be on-par with Disney.  I want the story to remain true to the original and flourish from there.

About Guardian's thoughts in specific, I have to ask a question of the readers who find the Doctor's thoughts 'out of sync.' Have you ever spent time in the military or in custody? If you have been away to formal basic training, Boot Camp, you spent several months doing as you were told, when you were told, and how you were told. You had several highly stressful situations to deal with; which, at some point, included the use of weapons.  You may have served in a capacity which required several more months beyond basic training which were even more stressful; both physically and mentally.  On the other hand, if you have been to jail or prison for an extended period of time, then you have lived with the loss of freedom and identity. In both cases, military and in custody, you wind up with long periods of being lost in your own thoughts. Those thoughts can fester and become quite destructive, or be the driving force behind survival and adaptation.  Doctor Guardian just made the best of a horrible situation. 


Next item:

I have had more emails regarding the villain Mursoro.  Some people think I am just building on, and not helping with, the absurd notions of conspiracies and the all too common representations of corporate heads and politicians being criminals in suits and ties. I answer with this: did you see the news a few days ago regarding a Fraternity which happens to be the majority representation of Wall Street? Have you ever heard of Bernie Madoff, Charles Keating, Leona Helmsley?  Perhaps you know who Sandy Berger is? Do you know about Berger's activities in 2006? Maybe you have heard of Richard Nixon?  I could go on and on, but I will leave this here for now. 

Please feel free to email me any time.


Latest comments

19.02 | 17:57

Hello. Me hablo muy poquito Espanol. Translate to English, por favor?

23.03 | 23:18

Hola soy de Argentina, y fan de Giant Robo, me gustaria saber si tengo la posibilidad de conseguir una figura de vinilo, para comprarla, ya que en mi pais no ay

07.01 | 22:09

If anybody has VHS tapes of Hot Seat I would like to buy them. I'll pay for the shipping too. Shoot me an email:

05.11 | 15:32
