new journal entry

49 days (maybe)
     My entries will be irregular. Should the smaller journal be missed; if this book is discovered by my captors, I am dead. That may not matter very soon. I have already commented on the Gargoyle capacity for industry, yet it still amazes me. After examining the plans on a three dimensional holographic projection device, I thought this venture would take a few years at least. In working with Gargoyle materials and Earth’s, I am amazed. The feet which this tremendous robot will stand on are already complete. I may have shortened my life considerably; but the fact remains that these Gargoyles are far beyond humans. These feet are not pieced together, which indicates they have been poured. With all of my years in advanced robotics and hi-technology, I am stunned at the two colossal feet standing on the shop floor.  For a moment I felt I had ascended a great bean-stalk and I am in the giant’s castle.  I am looking at the boots that will mash my bones into bread.
     Even more interesting, or terrifying, is the robot’s brain. A CPU, that much is recognizable. Yet, it has qualities and components which indicate it functions in a somewhat organic manner and it carries programming that will be more like instinct. I can only describe it as something like a very old breed of herding dog which carries genetic coding. Simply, the robot’s programming will be tuned to trillions of past examples of this same design. This is while it thinks in several dimensions at once; not in tracks like the way a human built computer operates.
     I am not a computer expert, but I can explain some things about robotics. At least, in a human/earthling kind of context. Some robots are very basic; made for one laborious task. For example, the kind of robots on automobile assembly lines. Then there are other robots, some like the space probes and planetary rovers. They have some reasoning ability or perhaps I should say problem solving abilities. They do not anticipate problems though. Everything is based upon sensory data and a finite number of decisions to say overcome an obstacle (driving around it or over it).  The robots I have been working on recently are able to take some initiative and explore something unknown. They will walk, upright like a human being, say to the edge of a crater or a door should they find one. They will have a look on the other side. They can power up and power down to run on impulses as required by the mission.
     By the way, the true Gargoyles, those from their planets (as far as I have heard a multi-planet system from which they originate but they have conquered hundreds of other worlds), do not function well in our atmosphere. They find Earth’s atmosphere to be very thin and incomplete. In listening to them verbally communicate with one and other, I would say they use much more inflection; and they project their voices in waves. This, to me, indicates they come from a much thicker atmosphere.

     Now let me get to something that I am sure is on the reader’s mind. Why would such advanced beings use robots? Just bomb Earth from orbit. Get the nations to surrender. The Gargoyles have these robots at their disposal and it seems ludicrous to come here to initiate a conquest. Yet, the Gargoyles are ALIEN. Being alien simply means different. The Gargoyles do not seem to be acquainted with failure. I am sure their ego, the entire race of conquering beings, has made them incapable of thinking outside of the box. It is this way and NO other!
     Also, as I have mentioned, the Gargoyles visited Earth throughout history. They know of the dinosaurs that once ruled the planet. [They felt, without doing much research, they could use something familiar to the indigenous species to tie up, and eventually destroy man’s capacity for self defense. Apparently many of their biological weapons, the monsters, will be reminiscent of dinosaurs] They did not count on the life forms having changed so much from era to era. The Gargoyles more recent foray to Earth, where they actually walked on the Earth, as far as I know as of right now, was in ancient Babylon. They came with a couple of Robots and apparently ran into other alien races who were also exploring. One race had enslaved some humans. This race was reptilian in their make-up; though they have a dog-like muzzle similar in size to humans and mostly humanoid in shape. This race imposed themselves as deities on their human slaves. My memories of ancient Babylon, as the aliens looked, remind me of Pazuzu. I did not get any information on what happened to this race or what transpired between them and the Gargoyles.
  Anyway, lucky for humans, the Gargoyles have had many setbacks on getting their living weapons to perform, like any other animal. They must be grown and there is little time to train them. The monsters are like fire-and-forget weapons. Turn them loose on a city to wreak havoc; then on to the next task. Combine all of that with their ongoing conflict with the Etlarans. This is supposed to be a cost effective manner to run a war against primitives. Taking advantage of ancient fears, they will station creatures and robots in that region to match those ancient fears. It apparently worked elsewhere in the Universe. One thing which lingers on in my mind, and I am crestfallen I am not free to research for myself, the origin of the Sphinx. Perhaps Doctor Palador will let me know. I recall a little information from history lessons. The Sphinx is a guardian to some sacred entrance, a symbol of vigilance. It is also a devourer. 

Latest comments

19.02 | 17:57

Hello. Me hablo muy poquito Espanol. Translate to English, por favor?

23.03 | 23:18

Hola soy de Argentina, y fan de Giant Robo, me gustaria saber si tengo la posibilidad de conseguir una figura de vinilo, para comprarla, ya que en mi pais no ay

07.01 | 22:09

If anybody has VHS tapes of Hot Seat I would like to buy them. I'll pay for the shipping too. Shoot me an email:

05.11 | 15:32
